March 23, 2010

  • Finishing Up My NY Chronicles: Entry 1

    So I decided to rename this section because I'm about 7 months behind. I know! Horrible, right? This will be my effort at finishing out my NY Chronicles. I can't leave it undone! Of course, I'll be going off memory and will only be summarizing my last couple months in New York, but at least I'll have them out there somewhere for me to remember. Shame on me for not keeping up. In my attempt at a defense, I was in the middle of a massive office clean up and move at work and also trying to cram in as much fun as I could with my time left in New York whilst planning a cross country move back to California and a 2 month backpacking trip for South East Asia. Yeah, so you can see how it's been hard getting used to how slow things have been lately.

    Onward! In this entry:
    - Laura Bear Babysits Bebba
    - Adventures at Ikea

    I left off at a John Legend that Dan, Nam, Laura, and I attended back in August so I'll start off from there. And from the photos in my album I believe Dan left me the weekend after to Las Vegas to spend time with his boys for Steve's birthday. I was left this weekend to be babysat by Laura Bear, my ex roomie. Because of her, I didn't have a lonely moment. And because of me, she didn't have a moment alone to herself all weekend because I packed my stuff and moved in with her for the weekend. Haha.

    Wow, looking at old photos brings back memories. She's standing on the street I lived on in the East Village. It was a great street to live on. Always busy, full of people, restaurants, bars, etc etc...!

    That Saturday, 7th Street was having a City Lights Street Festival so I told Laura to stop by so we could get some free lunch. Angie stopped by shortly after. We had a grand ol time just walking around.

    Silly glasses

    YUMMY!!! Oh, that was the day I raided my hubby's clothes for something of his to wear since he was away. I know, corny right? And I'm eating corn. Wow, my hair was super long back then.

    Girl time hanging out on the steps. This pic was taken with my newly purchased tripod which is now broken. That night I spent the night at Laura's apartment in the Financial District. She made me some kind of dinner. I forget what it was, but I'm pretty sure it was spring roll night because we always do that. Haha.

    I had told my babysitter that while Dan was away I wanted to go have lunch at Ikea so Sunday we went... Laura, Angie, Nam, and me.

    On the water taxi we went!

    Oh how I miss that concrete jungle.

    Ikea for lunch!

    After lunch we decided to play some house. (Yes, people did stare. LOL)

    Great times with great friends! (We are such great actors. We weren't really laughing in this photo. You should have seen the family that was giving us weird stares frozen in motion like this.)

    I miss my brother and NY sisters.

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